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Wonderland Labs Blog

Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Wonderland labs specializes in testing Kratom and Kava and offer both 7OH and pseudoindoxyl testing as part of the standard ID/Potency tests. No one puts nearly as much precision and attention into the results we provide, doing complementary re-runs and re-tests whenever the results do not match the expected.

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Who to Trust With Kratom Testing

One of the most difficult questions facing those who need to get testing completed for their Kratom is which lab to trust. How can you know which lab is the right choice? No one puts nearly as much precision and attention into the results we provide, doing complementary re-runs and re-tests whenever the results do not match the expected.

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Maintaining Accuracy in Kratom Lab Testing

This article discusses the rigorous steps Wonderland Labs takes in ensuring pinpoint accuracy of their testing results in relation to Kratom testing. When one is not aware of the extensive steps taken to ensure accuracy from test to test, day to day and year to year, it can be difficult to trust results when they don’t come out as expected. We are the Kratom testing experts who have been testing Kratom for longer than any other lab we know of.

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Custom Kratom Testing With Personalized Calibration

Have you ever wished you could get indisputable results that you can trust without question? Have you ever had to resolve issues with varying results from different labs? We at Wonderland Labs have solved that issue with our Customized Calibration Program for Kratom. It’s been wildly more popular than we thought it would be. Call today for a customized quote with for you own set of calibration samples. We pride ourselves on precision and attention into the results, ensuring accuracy within 1-2% every time.

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Common Kratom Contaminants and Adulterants

Are you planning to consume kratom powder or liquid? Empower yourself and find out a few key factors you may want to consider. Learn which lab tests help guarantee any Kratom product you purchase is safe for consumption. Discover the most common bacteria, pathogens, and metals typically found in Kratom. And, find out what the most common adulterants used in Kratom all in this article.

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

What Do My Bio Testing Results Mean?

WHAT DO MY BIOLOGICAL TESTING RESULTS MEAN? What Exactly are Coliforms? Coliforms are are group of closely-related organisms. For the most part, Coliforms are relatively harmless, and occur naturally in the gastrointentinal tracts of most animals, as well as in the...

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Pseudoindoxyl Testing Done Right

Is HPLC a Reliable Method for Testing Kratom?

IS HPLC A RELIABLE METHOD FOR TESTING KRATOM? For some reason, this is a question we've been asked increasingly often recently. I'm not sure if clients get results that were different than they hoped or expected is the cause, or if it's something else entirely.  To...

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