(800) 647-3154 info@wonderland-labs.com
Have you ever wished you could get indisputable results that you can trust without question? Have you ever had to resolve issues with varying results from different labs? We at Wonderland Labs have solved that issue with our Customized Calibration Program for Kratom. It’s been wildly more popular than we thought it would be.
TLDR: For top clients who demand the ultimate in precision, we build a set of calibration samples and use both a column and testing procedure that is unique to you. This is also the perfect service for manufacturers who have a single input / source material that they will then build a number of products from.
Why would you want something like this, and most importantly, why would you want to pay extra for this unique service?
Wonderland Labs already maintains an extremely high standard for precision and repeatable testing. To get a glimpse into the lengths we go to, to ensure accuracy, take a look at our “HOW WE MAINTAIN ACCURACY / PRECISION IN TESTING” article for full details.
This package, which is a one-time fee, takes that precision and repeatability to the next level.
  1. We first run a calibration test on two machines and two columns dedicated only to Kratom STANDARD and Kratom RUSH projects. We then ensure the machine is perfectly calibrated by entering the calibration data to create a calibration curve.
  2. If requested, those samples will first dried in a sealed environment on low heat for 24 hours, to ensure no moisture has managed to seep into your often freeze-fried material anywhere along the way. Once that is complete, we then run your sample(s).
  3. As soon as those samples are completed, we then take the remaining material, and split it into 4 separate lots.
  4. Three or four of those lots will be sent out to trusted labs who we’ve been working with for at least 1 year, with results we know we can trust.
  5. Once those labs return to us, we have a conversation with the client to discuss their results. If there is more than a 5-7% variation in the results (most labs don’t alert clients that a 7% variation in potency results is not unusual. That means some labs might be as much as 7% higher, and some labs might be as much as 7% lower, for a total range of 14%. (We don’t allow for such wide variations as a normal course of protocol for our lab.)
  6. Once we decide which path makes the most sense, we then create a set of calibration samples from our own stock of high concentration extracts that will be specific to you and your sample set. There will be enough calibration material to last years.
  7. Then, every time your material arrives, we run the exact same method, with the exact same column, using the exact same calibration method and material, to arrive at the exact same numbers every single time.
  8. This further allows our accuracy to tighten to just 1-2%, test after test, month after month, year after year for your material. Hand us the exact same material (perfectly preserved, of course) a year later, and our results will likely be UNDER a 1-2% variation from the original test.

The cost is just a one-time cost, and only adds a very modest charge on top of already highly-discounted pricing. Labs tend to not disclose that methods may change, columns may change, chemistry may change, techs may change, machines may change, pipettes and scales may change, and so on. Just one of these factors can create variances from one set of tests to the next. We eliminate that with your own set of calibration material that runs alongside every test you send us.

With this proprietary system, you get built-in external validation from several trusted labs, and a guaranteed variance of no more than 1-2% (usually 1%).

This takes the fear that inevitably creeps up when results don’t match your expectations away. It’s natural to wonder if results you don’t like or are not close to your expectations are accurate. With so many variables along the path from raw material to extract, remove one of the only variables that isn’t under your control. Instant stress removal, because you will always know, without question, that your tests are dead accurate on from test to test, year to year.

AS A SIDE NOTE: We already go to great lengths to ensure accuracy for ALL our clients as described on our “HOW WE MAINTAIN ACCURACY IN KRATOM TESTING” article elsewhere on this blog. It’s difficult to know, when looking from the outside, what great lengths we go to, to ensure that every test that comes through our door gets a result the client can trust.

We’ve added multiple machines to our lab that are dedicated to testing only Kratom, only Kava, and only exotic botanicals. We maintain strict procedures with high accuracy pipettes, material measurement that measures to the hundredth. We automatically homogenize samples, often by hand with stainless steel mortar and pestles.

We have been specializing in Kratom and Kava products for over 15 years. We still have some of the original Kratom material that was first brought into the country from Bali in the early 2000’s sitting in our lab freezer. We have tested virtually all of the Kratom that is currently on the market, and have a massive database of reference samples that we have built profiles of what are far fewer strains and varieties in circulation than people think.

We work hard to be that lab that you never have to question results from. We’re very proud to say that even without the Ultimate Custom Calibration Service, our results rarely vary by more than 1-2% already. We answer the phone, you get personalized service, and Keith, our lead tech takes the time to discuss results with every client. The Ultimate Custom Calibration Testing Service simply gives you an added layer of security, and the ability to take comfort in testing results, whether they’re what you wanted or expected or not.

We test any form of Kratom and Kava as well. We’ve tested powders, nano-powders, liquids, resins, vape cartridges, seltzers, and everything in-between.

In addition, we offer a full menu of other testing services that include BIOLOGICAL, HEAVY METALS, PESTICIDES, and many exotic botanicals such as KANNA, BLUE LOTUS (nuciferene), AMANITA and many others.


  • Customized Calibration w/Single Column: One-time cost of $899.00
  • Customized Calibration w/Personal Column: One-time cost of $1899.00

CALL OR EMAIL FOR A CUSTOMIZED QUOTE TODAY // info @ wonderland-labs dot com OR 800-647-3154

Team Wonderland


A Certificate of Analysis will confirm that any material is safe for consumption according to FDA guidelines. It doesn’t mean it’s legal for consumption, it just means that if the tested material were to be consumed, it would not contain any of the common pathogens that are most-often and most-likley to be found in foods and/or dietary supplements.


1341 Distribution Way, Ste 16, Vista, CA 92081
Email: info@wonderland-labs.com
Phone: (800) 647-3154

OPERATING HOURS: 8-4, Monday – Friday, PT

Wonderland Labs Contact Form

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